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12 results
Science Technology and Society a Student Led Exploration book cover

Science Technology and Society a Student Led Exploration

CC0 (Creative Commons Zero)   English

Author(s): Yang Wu, Adam Kirby, Alexa Heathorn, Alexandria Alabau, Amelia Godolphin, Andrew Gunn, Anthony Spearman, Ashley Crunk, Bryce Humbert, Casey Mccarroll, Cassia Michael, Catherine Denaux, Catherine Witte, David Jonah Lamothe, Diane Scalera, Elizabeth Appoy, Evan Gaubert, Evans Young, Evie Frazier, Faith Crumley, Gracie Travis, Gregory Barnes, Hunter Reid, Jackson Morrissey, Jenna Ramunno, Joe Lady, John Gressette, Joseph Johnson, Joseph Rivera, Juliana-Marie Troyan, Justin Wakely, Kate Billingsley, Katherine Coode, Katherine Floyd, Keasler Rothemich, Katy Boozer, Kelly Moyd, Levi Williams, Madison Rohm, Maggie Elpers, Madysun Green, Mae Furman, Mary Hannah Rodgers, Matt Erickson, Meredith Macdonald, Meghan Gamble, Oliva Dubro, Oscar Haney, Rachael Levine, Robert McDowell, Saige Hinton, Sevanna Boleman, Sydney Fitch, Taylor Lorusso, Trent Sardinas, Tiara Evans, Willis Watts, Zach Fahnle, DrewReynolds, JackMaddox, Mitchell Cook, Anthony Hernandez, Robert Ayers, Madison Bolick, CaitlinHall, Leta Kate Lamb, Bryce Moritz, Grace Young, Jonah Vest, Alexis Vaka, Nasir Tomlin, Katherine Summers, John Stephenson, Sara Slagle, Elsa Saine, Joseph Bailey, Dylan Berry, Alyssa Bollmer, John David Cate, Abigail Caveness, Ethan Coffey, Gill Davisson, Caleb Eickhoff, Cody Gregory, Ali Hadi, Allison Hollingsworth, Sofia Jones, Caitlin Kelly, Kennedy Key, Chandler Little, Zoë Lovelock, Morgan Mannion, Ryan Murphy, Ava Niebrzydowski, Travis Reed, Nicolas Rosso, Gracie Gilstrap

Editor(s): Anne Grant, Katelyn Cooper

Subject(s): Society and Social Sciences

Last updated: 11/03/2025

This textbook was originally created by two sections of Science, Technology & Society at Clemson University in the Fall of 2019 and Spring of 2020. It will go on to be modified and updated by future sections of the course.
Technology: Where it Started and Where it’s Going book cover

Technology: Where it Started and Where it’s Going

CC BY (Attribution)  1 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Adam Bauer, Adrian Lameg, Alexis Eckerson, Angeliz Diaz, Anna Costas, Ashley Abel, Cade Rojas, Christopher Conrick, Courtney Keane, Desmond Brunson, Dylan Rudzinski, Ellie Tucker, Emma Weeks, George Meyer, Heather McLaughlin, Jack Harris, Jenna Grossmann, Kendall Ringo, Kyle Lonergan, Lucas Mullis, Mac Jones, Macy Brenegan, Makenzie Steele, Matt Fry, Melissa Nolan, Mia Manfredi, Michaela Taylor, Noah Mervak, Parker Schwan, Ryan Gormley, Savana Wolf, Sierra Rosado, Tristan Kaplan

Editor(s): Mary Kate Fidler, Yang Wu

Subject(s): The Arts

Last updated: 02/12/2024

COVID 19: A Student Perspective book cover

COVID 19: A Student Perspective

CC0 (Creative Commons Zero)   English

Author(s): Yang Wu, Allie Messenger, Arnaut Aguilar, Ashley Bui, Ava Kramer, Ben Jablonski, Blake Busking, Blake Moore, Carrie Pohlman, Brenna Turpin, Brooke Baker, Caroline Edwards, Chris Leroux, Claudia Sisk, Clayton Trentham, Davey Crouch, Eli Packer, Elle Wagner, Eliza Nix, Ellie Vensel, Erin Kennedy, Emily Cleveland, Ethan May, Ethan Hirsch, Frances Laughlin, George Easter, Grace Arnold, Grace D'Egidio, Grace Towe, Hope Wilde, Jack Sanford, Jake Brazinski, Jason McNult, Jason Saadeh, John Fuller, John Griffen, Julia Wood, Kasey Kiser, Katie Herbolsheimer, Katrina Campos, Kerrigan Donnelly, Kierstyn Stevens, Laurence Innes, Luke Dotson, Macey Coulter, Marco Guareschi, Meg Botts, Michael Havasy, Mikel Zoeller, Mitchell Wallin, Patrick Reed, Reagan Beach, Ryan Cook, Ryan Kennedy, Spencer Dalley, Steffen Merkle, Tayler Smith, Thomas Williams, Tim Egan, Tres Key, Tyler Parker, Virginia Lundeen, Will Gosnell, William Carroll, Zoe Sabbert

Editor(s): Anne Grant

Subject(s): Society and Social Sciences

Last updated: 10/05/2024

An Ecological Approach to Obesity and Eating Disorders book cover

An Ecological Approach to Obesity and Eating Disorders

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Zach Harley, Victoria Kellogg, Tyler Mandel, Ashley Jacoby, Sydney Worrrall, Savannah Shope, Samuel Garrson, Randy Fang, Peyton Sutley, Nicole Barber, Maclaine Hanvey, Laurie Barton, Lauren Gohs, Kelly Berk, Katie Yacu, Katie Dzoba, Greg Goines, Federico Martinez, Drew Belsha, Conor Coleman, Chris Matlashewski, Brian Weaver, Brandon Perdue

Editor(s): Becky Tugman

Last updated: 27/06/2023

The Diversity of Drugs: History, Effects, and Everything in Between book cover

The Diversity of Drugs: History, Effects, and Everything in Between

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Anna Lipke, Sydney Taggart, Sullivan Bishop, Sydney Herchenbach, Samuel Hurley, Margaret Crisologo, Lauren Sizemore, Katie Massie, Katie Lucas, Grayson Ellis, Elizabeth Tomkovich, Eliza Martin, Dylan DePersia, Delaney Morley, Jackson Van Vlake, Cooper Nicholson, Caroline Mueckler, Cameron Cox, Brooke Breedlove, Brandon Shealy, Allyson Woolbert, Bella Huston

Editor(s): Becky Tugman, Yang Wu, Leah Holcomb

Last updated: 27/06/2023

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing book cover

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing

CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives)   English

Author(s): Emma Brandberg, Payton Engelking, Yalun Jiang, Nithesh Kumar, Ryan Mbagna-Nanko, Rahul Narasimhan, Aayush Rai, Shahil Shaik, Venkata Ravindhra Reddy Varikuti, Miao Yu

Editor(s): Yue Wang

Subject(s): Mechanical engineering, Robotics

Institution(s): Clemson University

Last updated: 27/06/2023

From G.I. to Z: A Generational Guide to Technology book cover

From G.I. to Z: A Generational Guide to Technology

CC BY (Attribution)  17 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Annsley Baxley, Anthony Surdich, Ashton Krol, Ava Tarzian, Brandon Marks, Danielle Cann, David Barnett, Dion Robinson, Emily Kneller, Evan Hashley, Grace Miller, Jacob Marasco, Johanna Krause, John Howell, Kyle Jenko, Kaitlyn Wise, Kyle McCormick, Laci Ellis, Lauren Zarrella, Madelyn Bullard, Matthew Gibson, Mitchell Esbenshade, Nikolas Watson, Peyton Rail, Sam Flagler, Shelbey Jumper, Simon Penso, Tyler Fragola, William McGlone, William Wei, William Young

Editor(s): Mary Kate Fidler, Yang Wu

Last updated: 27/06/2023

COVID-19: Success Within Devastation book cover

COVID-19: Success Within Devastation

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Yang Wu, Aubri Karr, Blake Swanson, Caitlyn Sauls, Caroline Mace, Carter Fricks, Christopher Rodriguez, Daniel Herlong, Eli Gosnell, Hannah Freeman, Kyla Hammock, Melissa Kostecki, Janet Taylor, Jordan Kinzler, Josie Hartings, Luke Mowery, Nick Stiebler, Quinton Patterson, Sarah Mount, Stanley Finley, Susan Taylor, Thomas Neeser, Thomas Williams, Will Haskell, Zarionna Robinson, Hannah Wilson, Jack Klinge

Editor(s): Yang Wu

Last updated: 27/06/2023

Modeling, Motion Planning, and Control of Manipulators and Mobile Robots book cover

Modeling, Motion Planning, and Control of Manipulators and Mobile Robots

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Akshit Lunia, Ashley Stevens, Cavender Holt, Rhyan Morgan, Joshua Norris, Shailendran Poyyamozhi, Yehua Zhong

Editor(s): Yue Wang

Last updated: 21/03/2023

An Intersectional Look at Men's Health book cover

An Intersectional Look at Men's Health

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Abby Frank, Abigail Blanchfield, Addison Mohl, Aneri Vasoya, Anna George, Anthony Acker, Bailie Featherston, Berkeley Young, Chyna Thompson, Emma Goerl, Grace Bauman, Hailey Longstreet, Jake Baranoski, John Williams, Kaustubha Reddy, Lauren Lewis, Lena Gammel, Mac Martin, Matthew Maloney, Molly Wiggins, Riley Sutton, Robert Capps, Savannah Grewal, Valerie Cagle, Will Blackston

Editor(s): Samuel Baxter, Yang Wu

Subject(s): Public health and preventive medicine

Institution(s): Clemson University

Last updated: 08/02/2023