26 Computers
Adrian Lameg
26.1 Introduction
- PC– means personal computer which one uses for their own individual needs and wants
- Arithmetical– calculations involving the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Punch Card System- it is a system that uses a stiff paper with holes punched by a person or a machine to represent computer data
- Analytical Engine– mechanical general purpose computer
- GUI– graphical user interface
Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, students should be able to:
- Understand what a computer is and the impact it has on society
- Describe the positive and negative outcomes of computers
- Think about what computers could possibly be in the future
Computers haven’t always been the way they are today. Computers have evolved to become a necessity in our daily lives, and are used in educational, business, and home environments. We simply cannot live without them. The computer has evolved from being used solely as a data collector to calculations, networking, and entertainment. Today the computer has many functions or uses that it provides and it has shaped our society drastically.
26.2 What is a Computer?
Key Takeaway
The word “computer” is an old word that has changed its meaning several times in the last few centuries (Onifade, 2004). It used to be defined as a person who computes which then evolved into a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data as Webster’s Dictionary defines it. Now the computer has so many capabilities that one definition cannot fully define it. It is now used in businesses and schools to complete work as well as to access social media and other entertainment. The computer is a device that can be used to communicate via email, voice or video calls, etc. It also has the function to keep the user entertained via the internet. A computer today can be a desktop/PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

“Three Women Sitting on Sofa with Macbook” by Christina is licensed under Unsplash License
26.3 History of the “Computer”
Key Takeaway
Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and inventor conceived the first automatic digital computer in the mid-1830s. He envisioned the capability of performing any arithmetical operation on the basis of instructions from punched cards, a memory unit to store numbers, sequential control, and most of the basic elements of the present day computer. The computer was used for analytical purposes in the 1830s. It was known as an analytical engine. It was able to compute calculations no man can compute in the time a computer can. Years later it has evolved to compute larger numbers. The computer went from a punch card system to actual parts to be able to store information on its main memory from the years 1941-1947. In 1971, Alan Shugart led a team of IBM engineers to invent the floppy disk allowing data to be shared among computers. A couple years later, in 1973 Robert Metcalfe developed Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware together. This was the time where computers were able to communicate with one another leading to the years 1974-1977 where personal computers hit the market. These computers were described as the “world’s first minicomputer kit to rival commercial models”. Paul Allen and Bill Gates offered to write software for the Altair in 1975 that uses the new BASIC language which led to the development of their own software company, Microsoft. In 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers on April Fool’s Day and created the first computer with a single-circuit board called Apple I. In 1977 Radio Shack had an initial production run of their TRS-80 in which people could write programs and make a computer do what they wished. Also in 1977, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak presented the Apple II at the first West Coast Computer Faire showing that the new computer offered colored graphics and how it incorporates an audio cassette drive for storage. A year later, the first computerized spreadsheet was introduced. Then in 1981 the first IBM personal computer was introduced. The IBM PC was the first computer available through outside distributors. In 1983 Apple’s Lisa was the first computer with a GUI which featured a drop down menu and icons. This computer did not last and it eventually evolved into the Macintosh. In 1984, Steve Jobs introduced the first ever Macintosh computer. The computer was made to increase the productivity in colleges and offices around the world as well as increase the qualitative way we communicate with one another. The computer was made to also be available to the community financially meaning that the average household will be able to afford it. In 1985 Microsoft announced Windows to respond to Apple’s GUI which features advanced audio and video capabilities. In the same year, the first dot-com domain was registered on March 15, years before the World Wide Web would mark the formal beginning of internet history. The Symbolics Computer Company registered Symbolics.com, more than two years later only 100 dot-coms have been registered. In 1986 Compaq introduced the 32-bit into computers which made them run faster compared to the previous computers. Between the years 1990-1999 the advancement of the computer grew exponentially. HyperText Markup Language (html) was introduced which led to the rise of the World Wide Web. Hardware for the PC also advanced, leading to better graphics. This allowed the user to play music and games on their computer. In 1996 Sergey Brin and Larry Page developed the Google search engine at Stanford University. Then in 1997 Microsoft invested in Apple because they were struggling at the time. A couple years later the term Wi-Fi became a part of the computing language where users are able to connect to the internet without the use of wires.

“Macbook Pro Displaying Group of People” by Chris Montgomery is licensed under Unsplash License
26.4 The Computer’s Impact on Society
Key Takeaway
As we can see the computer has gone a long way. Today we use the computer for almost everything that we do in our daily lives. It has impacted our society in so many ways, some good and some bad. The following sections will explain the advantages and disadvantages of computers in our society.
26.41 Advantages of Computers
Computers are useful in many different fields where they could be used at home or at work. The computer allows the user to have quick access to any information that they desire. Information can be searched up in a matter of seconds or even less. The computer also helped businesses become more efficient and shopping more convenient. It has also helped us to be able to communicate with one another more efficiently. Through social media the user can share photos and videos, their life updates, and their opinions for anyone to see if they choose to.
These computers also are great in fields such as manufacturing to where tasks that were manually done can now be automated. It takes the stress of manual work off of the workers and the job is done more efficiently and the computer has a higher tolerance for labor. Computers have made life and running businesses easier.
26.42 Disadvantages of Computers
The use of a computer during our daily lives can cause health problems and interfere with childhood play. People tend to work with their computers and use them as a means to be entertained. Especially since the pandemic struck the United States in 2020, schools and businesses transferred to an all online experience requiring students and teachers to perform their responsibilities at home in front of their computers. Others with jobs that can be achieved at home and on a computer are also sent home. This increases the time spent in front of a screen which is bad for one’s eyesight. Blue light is emitted from the computer screens and it is shown to be linked to problems like blurry vision, eyestrain, dry eye, macular degeneration, and cataracts. Some may have issues with sleeping.
Today many children have access to a computer or tablet to keep them entertained during the day. Most see those as their toys instead of action figures, barbies, cars, etc. So they spend most of their “free” time playing games or watching YouTube videos on their computer or tablet. This takes away from the physical interaction they could be having playing outside with the neighborhood kids. The lack of face to face interaction leads to social awkwardness where the child does not know how to react to basic conversations.
26.5 Future Outlook
Key Takeaway
Looking into the future the computer can lead to many other new devices. For example it has created smartphone, tablets, laptops, and gaming consoles. The computer can lead to us not having to own a device to be able to connect to one another or it could even be bigger than that to where it can take over businesses. Businesses can run without physical human interaction. These are all speculations because one can only dream what the future has upon us.

“Man in Tracksuit wearing VR Headset standing on Tennis Court” by Martin Sanchezis licensed under Unsplash License
Modern technology brings in new resources and opportunities for growth but there are some people that are still hesitant about these benefits. A study was performed on a population of retired individuals in the state of Florida. The study was performed to explore computer use among older adults to show that the older the individual is the less computer knowledge and interest they are likely to have.
The results of the study show that older adults who are more computer savvy are more satisfied with their life. This is measured through self-efficacy and computer anxiety. So having more knowledge on the computer can increase life satisfaction. Other benefits include: being more independent, maintaining a social network of friends and family, and staying informed about their health concerns.
The study also concluded that the technology used in the study may not be viable for a new study in the future. This is because they don’t know what new technology would be when the new generation of senior citizens get to the age of 75.
Chapter Summary
Computers are a type of technology that will always be evolving. They have existed for almost 3 centuries from being used to compute numbers faster than a human to being able to connect one another with ease. The functionality of the computer has made communicating with one another more efficient. It has also made a way for people to have access to entertainment. Who exactly knows what the computer will provide us in the future but while it changes, it changes our society as a whole.
Review Questions
1. Who was Charles Babbage and what has he done to support the history of computers?
A. An English mathematician and inventor conceived the first automatic digital computer in the mid-1830s
B. An inventor that created the computer as an entertainment source in the Mid 1830s
C. An English mathematician and inventor who had the idea to have a machine that would solve any problem inputted into it
D. An inventor that developed programs to where the computer would do what you desired
2. Which of the following is one of the advantages of the computer?
A. It connects you with friends and family
B. Quick and easy access to information
C. Tasks are now able to be automated
D. All of the above
3. Which of the following is one of the disadvantages that was discussed?
A. The excessive use of the computer can affect your social life
B. It helps with stress
C. The blue light emitted can cause issues with your eyes and sleep
D. None of the above
4. What has the case study shown through letting an older age group of people become familiar with the use of the computer?
A. Most senior citizens did not find the computer to be useful
B. The life satisfaction of the tested population has increased
C. The people were less dependent upon use of the computer
D. None of the above
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
- What do you think the computer would look like and what will it provide in the next 10 years? Do you think it will be the same? Why or why not?
- Think about what you could do to the computer for it to be more advanced and better for our society.
C. (2020, January 29). Steve Jobs talks about Apple’s Macintosh computer in 1983. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2020/01/29/steve-jobs-talks-about-apples-macintosh-computer-in-1983.html
Helmer, J. (2020, October 7). How blue light can affect your health. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/blue-light-health
invention – A chronology of invention. (2021, October 14). Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/technology/invention-technology/A-chronology-of-invention
Karavidas, M., Lim, N., & Katsikas, S. (2005, September 1). The effects of computers on older adult users. ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563204000597
Onifade, A. (2004). History of the computer. History of the computer, 1–20.
Steve Jobs Introduces the Macintosh. (2016, November 2). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tQ5XwvjPmA&ab_channel=ComputerHistoryMuseum
van den Ende, J. (1999, November 1). Technological transformations in history: How the computer regime grew out of existing computing regimes. ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S004873339900027X
Zimmermann, K. A. (2017, September 7). History of computers: A brief timeline. Livescience.Com. https://www.livescience.com/20718-computer-history.html
Means personal computer which one uses for their own individual needs and wants.
Calculations involving the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Mechanical general purpose computer.
Graphical user interface.