
Letter to the Reader

Dear Reader,

An Intersectional Look at Men’s Health is the researched work of Clemson University Public Health Science upper-class undergraduate students in the course HLTH 3200 Maintenance of Men’s Health.  The goal of this course project was to meet the course learning objectives while creating a public resource for men and allies to support men’s health and longevity.  Each student-author selected a health topic and discussed it across social identities to understand men’s health inequities.

This book is accessible to anyone to help learn about the challenges that diverse male populations face.  All chapters were researched using only reliable sources and cited in APA 7th Edition format. Throughout this process, students learned about the details of the publication process, how to find images and videos that are available to be used for a published piece of work, and the innerworkings of book design and editing.

Students in HTLH 3200 found this nontraditional class method to be rewarding and a refreshing alternative to traditional lecture-based formats. They were able to think deeply on why men experience health challenges and how to make progress in the face of societal stereotypes, inequities, and power imbalances. Enjoy their work and share!

For equity,

Samuel L. K. Baxter, PhD, MPH
Postdoctoral Fellow, Public Health Sciences

PS – Please check the 2021 book from this course entitle A Guy’s Guide.


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An Intersectional Look at Men's Health Copyright © 2022 by Abby Frank; Abigail Blanchfield; Addison Mohl; Aneri Vasoya; Anna George; Anthony Acker; Bailie Featherston; Berkeley Young; Chyna Thompson; Emma Goerl; Grace Bauman; Hailey Longstreet; Jake Baranoski; John Williams; Kaustubha Reddy; Lauren Lewis; Lena Gammel; Mac Martin; Matthew Maloney; Molly Wiggins; Riley Sutton; Robert Capps; Savannah Grewal; Valerie Cagle; and Will Blackston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.