66 Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Travis Reed; Apurva Mitta; and Kevin Dai
Renewable energy is a clean alternative to fossil fuels. Renewable energy has started to step more into the spotlight in recent years because of the environmental impacts it will have. However, it is important to understand the societal effects renewable energy will have as well.
According to the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC), “Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather” (Shinn, 2021). Renewable energy is becoming so important because people have started to become much more concerned with the environment and climate change. This chapter will discuss different types of renewable energy, as well as the effects they have.
Solar energy
According to S. Ashok with Britannica, solar energy is radiation or light from the sun that is used to make heat, cause a chemical reaction, or generate electricity (Ashok, 2021). People use the sun to make solar energy in a few ways. One way is through concentrated solar power. Concentrated solar power uses collectors to concentrate sunlight onto a black receiver. This receiver intensifies the light to a temperature of 2,000 °C, and mirrors are used to heat water into steam to turn a turbine. Thus, electricity is generated (Ashok, 2021). One of the most popular methods of capturing solar energy is through the technology of solar panels. Solar panels are so popular because they can be used privately, unlike most renewable energies.
Solar energy may have the most potential out of all of the renewable energies because the sun produces so much energy that is not being utilized. Ashok states, “The potential for solar energy is enormous since about 200,000 times the world’s total daily electric-generating capacity is received by Earth every day in the form of solar energy” (Ashok, 2021). If solar energy were to be harnessed, many of our energy needs and pollution problems could be solved.
The biggest problem facing solar energy is the cost of collection. Solar panels are very expensive and, with our current technology, not very efficient. According to Ashok, solar panels are only 15-20 percent efficient (Ashok, 2021). That is a high cost for a low efficiency.
Wind Power
Wind energy is created by wind, spinning a turbine that then converts the rotational energy of the turbine into electricity (Wind Energy Basics). According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, “Wind energy is actually a byproduct of the sun. The sun’s uneven heating of the atmosphere, the earth’s irregular surfaces (mountains and valleys), and the planet’s revolution around the sun all combine to create wind” (Wind Energy Basics). Since our sun and earth’s irregular terrain will continue to exist, the wind is in no short supply, making it an efficient renewable energy source.
Wind power has several economic advantages; for instance, wind power is highly cost-effective. According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, wind energy is one of our cheapest sources today. This is because its fuel source is free and unlimited, eliminating the price uncertainty of fossil fuels (Advantages and challenges of wind energy). Another benefit of wind power is that it creates jobs. Currently, over 100,000 people are employed in the wind industry, potentially creating 600,000 more jobs by 2050 in the U.S. alone (Advantages and challenges of wind energy).
Like most things, wind power also has its drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks is the impact on wildlife. Since wind farms are pretty much just large spinning fans, they have been known to kill birds and bats (Advantages and challenges of wind energy). While killing animals is not good, the more dramatic impact is the alteration of local habitats due to the construction of wind farms. In some cases, habitats are completely destroyed, affecting the existence of certain species as well.
National Geographic states, “A typical hydroelectric plant is a system with three parts: a power plant where the electricity is produced, a dam that can be opened or closed to control water flow, and a reservoir where water is stored. The water behind the dam flows through an intake and pushes against the blades in a turbine, causing them to turn. The turbine spins a generator to produce electricity (Nunez, 2021). Hydropower is very popular in countries with large rivers, like China, Brazil, and the U.S., because the more water that flows through the turbines, the more energy is produced.
A huge advantage of hydropower is that once the dam is built, not much needs to be done other than standard maintenance. Like wind power, it has a free, renewable fuel source.
Hydropower has some of the most drastic drawbacks of all renewable energy sources, primarily ecological. Building dams disrupt many ecosystems and local populations around the river. The Three Gorges Dam in China displaced nearly 1.2 million people, flooding hundreds of villages and ecosystems (Nunez, 2021). A big question for many is if dam pollution reduction and energy production are worth the destruction of ecosystems and displacement of local residents.
effects of renewable energy on society
Most of the effects of renewable energy on society deal with our economy and pollution. In 2003 only 2 percent of the United State’s energy production came from renewable energy sources (Hopkins, 2003). As of 2020, 19.8 percent of the United States’ energy production comes from renewable sources (Frequently Asked Questions (faqs), 2021). In almost 20 years, we have seen an 18 percent growth in renewable energy production, and that number will only increase. Hopkins stated that renewable energy has the potential to stimulate local economies through job creation, allow us to become independent from foreign oil, and even stabilize energy prices (Hopkins, 2003). Renewable energy stimulates our economy and helps reduce our carbon footprint, which is a hot topic these days. Most renewable energies release little to no emissions, whereas coal, oil, and natural gas release tons of emissions.
The International Energy Agency, an intragovernmental organization that provides policy recommendations, data, and analyses on the world’s energy usage, released a global energy review to compare renewable energy use across the globe as a result of the catastrophic event that affected millions globally: The SARS-CoV-2 crisis. The renewable electricity field was the most unaffected of all renewable energy types, especially due to the increase in wind and solar PV projects, decreases in biofuels, and more. As a result, the global use of renewable energy was estimated to increase by 1% amidst supply chain obstacles and delays in economic growth. Society’s turn to and utilization of renewable energy during the COVID-19 crisis has caused it to largely be unaffected by the negative effects of the crisis.
Research has also shown that renewable energy is becoming more personalized across countries today. For instance, the increases in wind availability within Europe and the United States of America have allowed engineers to test out operations and organize regulations for technology utilizing this renewable energy resource. Improved weather conditions in areas such as Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Italy, and the eastern coast of the US have also experienced lowered electricity demands and increases in Solar Photovoltaic Technology due to technological advancements and increased knowledge in the science of solar power conversion, which further relates to STS.
Chapter Questions
- Short Answer: What are some advantages of each global renewable energy source?
- Short Answer: How has renewable energy reduced our carbon footprint?
Advantages and challenges of wind energy. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2021, from
Ashok, S. (2021, October 22). solar energy. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Frequently asked questions (faqs) – U.S. energy information administration (EIA). Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2021, November 2). Retrieved December 10, 2021, from
Hopkins, B. (2003, August). Renewable energy can benefit state economies. State Government News, 46(7), 19.
IEA. (2020). Renewables – Global Energy Review 2020 – analysis. IEA. Retrieved September 18, 2022, from
Nunez, C. (2021, May 3). Hydropower Facts and Information. Environment. Retrieved December 6, 2021, from
Shinn, L. (2021, August 25). Renewable energy: The clean facts. NRDC. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from
Wind energy basics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2021, from